Bialetti Moka Express - 3 cups
-> black - red - mint
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With a Bialetti, you can make coffee the way it is supposed to be made. This cafetière has a classic look and works with the 'old-fashioned' percolation method. But to be honest, this is still the best way to make a truly delicious espresso.
All you need to do is put some water in the reservoir at the bottom, insert the funnel-shaped filter (filled with coffee) at the top, and then simply put the can on the stove. The rest happens automatically. The boiling water rises up the spout or 'chimney' of the filter and percolates through the coffee. The Bialetti also make a hissing sound at the end of the percolation process, so that you know when your coffee is ready.
Whatever your favoured blend, the Bialetti guarantees you the most heavenly espresso time after time.